
People don’t really know what to do with freedom.
It is not complete, but abundant.
If you do not look it in the eye and own it, then
you can’t complain that you don’t have enough.

Make your way on that path of sweat and tears.
Take a scenic tour. Freedom is is not a free ticket.
Freedom is a chance for rolling up your sleeves and
maybe doing something with it.

Oh yes, It can be taken away before you know it.

The Window Of My Eyes

I don’t know what to choose.
Or what to let go of.
I know when people let go of me.
I know when I can not do something anymore.
I know that my hands look like the hands of an older woman.
My skin is losing it’s touch.
But my mind can still fly above clouds.

my eyes

i see what will be a picture. if you see it and the image catches your attention, you have your own meaning, story, thoughts. what you see evokes a feeling, thought, memory. what becomes of the things it evokes?


rise up your head
outa sleep
and all the fog of want
sorry ghosts
be gone
there is this
askin you to
open your eyes to the day
kick worry in the piddley ass
tell it to
go-da the dogs
cause things
gonna be fine


look at my past

the past of my father

the past my mother

methodist england wales

catholic germany

small towns

southern illinois

man marries

and goes into the air force

the woman

no one talked about

didn’t wait

he marries again

a catholic girl

her father would not have it

the family disowned her

my mother

how could they

when i was young

we visited her mother

her father in a wheelchair




grandma gave me

butter and sugar on bread

she had a german accent

she was sweeter than pie

a love note

(thirty four years and july means blueberries)

divorce and your new life in marriage did not erase our past.
though it changed the future.

our memories. the goodness that was also ours.
i remember everything

cheers from across the room
i will never run out of kisses
i love you written on my back with your finger

bow nights
biscuits and cornbread
denny road boys
running to the phone with only a towel
christmas carols
driving icy roads
the year of the flood and Casey
taking Sydney everywhere
my mental depression
missing being loved
wondering why you stopped loving me
not being what you wanted or needed
still loving you
building a house
work then wine making
kids and school
grocery shopping
hand-washing dishes
your friends

i am not glad to be rid of you
but i am grateful that you are happy

i would like to see you now and then

if i could visit i would love to
i know that she would not understand
wives rarely do
thinking they will lose love

but i know she will never loose your love and respect
she never did

too bad she doesn’t realize this

i have my dreams

people find sin in loving more than one person…
there is the two headed monster called jealousy and fear

i try to ignore this terrible monster
because it is not love

life is very amazing
and quite strange

ego and others
me and we
money and greed
